Gujarat Vidyapith:
Gujarat Vidyapith was founded by Mahatma Gandhi on 18th October, 1920.
Gujarat Vidyapith is a deemed university since 1963. Gujarat Vidyapith is
funded by the U. G. C. (University Grants Commission) for higher
education programs. It was started as Rashtriya Vidyapith
(National Institute of University Education) and was the
wake of the Non-cooperative Movement. Mahatma Gandhi
remained its life-long Kulpati(Chancellor). The Institute
imparts higher education with an integrated system of education
teaching from the Nursery to the Doctorate level.
The main objective is to prepare workers of character,
ability, culture and dedication for the conduct of movements
connected with the regeneration of country in
accordance with the ideals given by Mahatma Gandhi.
The guiding principles on which the integrated system of
education, from Nursery & Basic Schools to Higher Secondary
and from Bachelors to Master, M. Phil. & Doctorate level
degree in various disciplines, is evolved include:-
- Adherence to truth and non-violence
- Participation in productive work with a sense of dignity of labour
- Acceptance of equality of religions
- Priority for the need of villages dwellers in all curricula and
- Use of mother-tongue as a medium of instructions.
Education of Gugarat Vidyapith
Accordingly, the education system of Gujarat Vidyapith include regular
participation in community work, residential life, social service,
community prayers, simple and self reliant living, study tours and field
studies, Hand spinning and training in Craft Work. The program of education
has been linked with the national needs of rural uplift with a view
to promote education conductive to the grass - root levels of the
society. The chief concern of the Gujarat Vidyapith is to conduct
experiments in various fields of education with a view to develop
the application of Gandhian thought and way in all aspects of education.
Gujarat vidyapith is indias on of the finest university which teach
the value of 'Ahimsa' and the real perception of Mahatma Gandhi's
life and the real meaning of 'Ekadash Vrata',which includes truth,
non-violance,nofear,no theft,etc.
Mahatma Gandhi strongly belives in self help and self reliance.
in gujarat vidyapith students take part to make thair food by them self.
students are also take part in prabhat pheri which is part of indian culture.
every year student wents for 'padyatra' in padyatra students make analysis
of indian villages and studies the life of village.gujarat vidyapith thinks that
indipendent and developed country is the achivment of well mannered people.
and well devloped people is the man wich thinks about country.
Nr. Income Tax Office, AshramRoad,Ahmedabad- 380 014
Gujarat State, India.
Phone: 079-27541148, 079-27540746, 079-40016200
Fax: 079-27542547