NICRA Village Information
National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) is
a network project of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR) launched in February, 2011. The project aims to enhance
resilience of Indian agriculture to climate change and climate
variability through strategic research and technology
demonstration. The research on adaptation and mitigation
covers crops, livestock, fisheries and natural resource
management. The project consists of four components viz.
Strategic Research, Technology Demonstration, Capacity
Building and Sponsored/Competitive Grants
The project was formally launched by the Hon’ble Union Minister
for Agriculture & Food Processing Industries Shri Sharad Pawarji
on 2nd February 2011. Most of the activities across India were
initiated in full measure during 2011-12.
NICRA Vilage Information
Name : Khutli; Tal. Kaprada
Longitude and Latitude : N 20˙24.972’ E073˙10.354’
Distance from KVK : 23 km
Nos of familly : 349 (100 % Tribal population)
Total population : 1922
Total land of the village (ha) : 568
Total cultivated area (ha) : 301
Forest including others (ha) : 267 (48%)
Cattle population : 685
Major crops : Paddy, Pulses, Vegetables
Rainfed agriculture : 70 %